Some Home Pics for Jon
Jon Huff, who's in Louisiana volunteering for the relief effort as he has been for the last month, asked us to post some pics of WVFD, so he could show them around. Jon's our guy; how could we not help him out? However, we miss him and we want him home, too.
The below two pics are the front of WVFD, located along Wolfskin Road. We do the best we can! The elegant lemon-yellow pumper is a generous loan from Oconee County VFD, who has been very good to us indeed. Jon drives this truck like a pro. Well, he is a pro. In the pic below, that's Louis and Ed, our training officers, and I believe Dave on the far right.

Not sure who that is going into the building but I do believe that's Jon peering into his truck.

What would we do without Frankie? It would be a hard life at WVFD. He maintains the firetrucks, and most of the station. Here he shows his best side.
Inside the station, we have some of the folks who make it what it is. What with helmets and backsides, I'm not sure who everyone is.
Phyllis, our fire chief, and Glenn confer about something we need not know.
And finally, Phyllis in her glory as Southern Lady of the Year. Oh yeah, that's Phyllis on the right.
What can I say? These are our people, and we're proud of them.
I must say that is one great picture of the oppossum and Phyllis. Fresh road kill I would guess, if I know Phyllis! She should share the receipe; we should not let the buzzards (grief counselors) get them all!
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