Cleanup Party
WVFD normally meets two Thursdays a month, one for training and one for business. Last night was an off-Thursday, but the supertanker is coming "sometime" this month and the firehouse had to be cleaned up to make room for it.

Above, Fire Chief Phyllis and Ed are checking the new doors Frankie put on after busting out the end wall of the kitchen/former meeting room. As you can see, it's pretty much filled with junk, some dating back 20 years or more. All of that had to be excavated and sorted into throwout or keep - Glenn, with his excellent organizational skills and lack of sentimentality, had that job.
Why bust out the kitchen? One of the firetrucks, presumably with ample amounts of lubricant, has to fit there, because the supertanker gets the big bay in the middle to the right of the kitchen in this photo.
A fine time was had by all dozen of us that showed up at 6:30. Steve, Lisa, Ed, Phyllis, Glenn, Brenda, Jim and I had already gotten well-started building shelves when the pizza arrived, carried in by Dave and Louis. Mary provided an excellent supper. Cary and Jeff were there, and later our newest firefighter Pat showed us the easiest way to move a heavy range and refrigerator - hint, it involves two brooms. Phyllis put on selected fire music and we spent some time eating and organizing and then went back to work.
Ultimately we threw out tons of stuff, got the kitchen completely cleaned out, boxed up and shelved old turnout gear, and did it all by 9:30.
Ob-cat: we're still pushing to have the supertanker named "The Genie-Weenie Supertanker".

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