WVFD 1-3-5 Year Plan
I've added the current understanding of our plan for one and three and five year goals to the sidebar. You can also get to it by going directly here.
The plan, constructed last year at this time, was FC Phyllis's brainchild; Ed Frey chaired the committee and Lisa Vaughan, Phyllis, Mary Nouri, and myself worked on it.
We're pleased to report that we've achieved nearly all our goals for Year One, and with the help of our Wolfskin neighbors and friends, a very major part of Year Three - see the post below for the good news.
WVFD has only come short in one way: we need more volunteers! Let me rephrase that:
We need more volunteers!
There are a lot of jobs, some of them exciting and some of them only very important! There's no one who doesn't have talents that can't fit into a congenial and friendly VFD where everyone works together well, so PLEASE do get in touch or come to one of our meetings if you have the time, and honestly it doesn't take that much time!
Our business meeting is the first Thursday of the month, and our training sessions, always fun, are the third Thursday of the month (except possibly March - we just had a training session - have to check with Phyllis!).
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