Annual Members' Meeting Thursday Dec 7, 7pm
This announcement has been up for awhile, but here's the formal portion of the agenda that has to do with election of officers, members, and the choice of a Firefighter of the Year, 2006. Please make every effort to attend!
Wolfskin Volunteer Fire Department
Annual Corporation Meeting of the Members
Thursday, Dec 7 2006, 7pm
Agenda: Elect WVFD Officers and new Board Members, choose Firefighter of the Year for 2006, and vote on proposed bylaw amendment.
I. Nominating Committee
Wayne Hughes (Chair)
Ed Frey
Jim Kitchens
Lisa Vaughan
Bill Cosgrove (Community Representative)
II. Elections
A. WVFD Officer Nominees for 2007
1. Fire Chief (one position, one nominee):
Mike Geraci
2. Assistant Fire Chief (one position, one nominee):
Ed Frey
3. Treasurer (one position, one nominee):
Cary Fordyce
4. Secretary (one position, one nominee):
Lisa Vaughan
B. New Board Members for 2007:
1. Outside Board Members (two positions):
Bill Cosgrove (1 year)
Jerry Ledbetter (2 years)
2. Non-Officer Firefighter Board Members (two positions):
Jim Kitchens
Glenn Galau
C. Firefighter of the Year 2006
III. Amendment to the Bylaws (Change the date of the Annual Directors’ Meeting to schedule on the same date (first Thursday of December) as the Annual Corporation Members’ Meeting):
ARTICLE IV, DIRECTOR MEETINGS, Section 1: Annual meetings. The annual meeting of the directors of this corporation shall be held on the (first) Thursday of (December) each and every year except if such day is a legal holiday, then and in that event, the Board of Directors shall fix the day but it shall not be more than two weeks from the date fixed by these Bylaws. The Board of Directors shall set the time and place. Notices of the annual meeting shall be sent out by the Secretary to each Board member, postmarked two weeks in advance.
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