WVFD Logos!
Be sure to attend the Tuesday, Feb 19, Oglethorpe Firefighter Association meeting at 7:30pm. Chuck Gulley, EMA Coordinator for Athens/Clarke County Fire & Emergency Services (ACCFD), will be the guest speaker. Chuck will also bring along the Hazardous Materials Response Vehicle from ACCFD. Glenn has attended a hazmat awareness course given by him and says he's quite a good speaker.
On to something we've wanted to do for a long time.
We've never had logos for our pumper and tanker, and so Brian took matters in hand in the last month. He canvassed the department for input as to what the logos should look like, and then had the decals printed up. He was determined to have at least the tanker done by last Thursday's business meeting so he drove down to Cumming to pick up the logos and he and I spent Thursday afternoon on them, completing the business 30 minutes early. Very nice color selection.

The entire logo came on three decals that had to be positioned carefully. They're considerably reflective!

With two trucks and two doors, that makes four complete decals. It was just about dark by the time we finished the tanker.

On Friday afternoon we completed the pumper, whose doors are shaped a little oddly compared to the tanker.

It was late afternoon with a declining but still bright sun. Nonetheless we had to have a good reflective photo of the new logo. Boots and logos by Brian!

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