New Year's Eve Call
A 6:30 AM call on Dec 31 to a structure fire on Bear Mill Road. Tanker (Wayne, driver, and Ed) and Andy and Glenn responded. Lisa came associated with first responders/EMS. We were called via automatic aid for Crawford FD, which covers this area. Maxeys FD was there, Arnoldsville FD as well. If I've missed anyone, let me know.
We supplied water to Arnoldville and emptied the tank. Ed and Andy donned BAs and worked within the structure. Glenn returned to station in order to gather up more air cylinders if needed.
There's no good time to lose a home, but New Year's Eve must be the worst. There was a smoke inhalation injury, and a lift for that.
Notes: A rain a couple of days earlier made direct travel from WFD Station difficult along the dirt roads. The tanker successfully forded the two places that Barrow Creek crosses, but there were two places along Bear Mill Road where the clay was very slippery. Take the long route through Crawford and down Hway 77 when conditions have been wet.
As well, a safety issue: several times thick smoke enveloped pump operators on apparatus close to the scene. There's no such thing as clean smoke, but smoke from a burning structure is filled with noxious junk. Parking apparatus farther away from the structure will help, especially in early morning or late evening hours when smoke does not disperse well.
We were fairly done by 10:30am, refilled the tanker, and back at the station to refill BAs. Thanks to Glenn, Andy, Ed, Wayne, and Lisa.
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