Call for Volunteers
Over the last few months we've bid, or will bid, farewell to several of our fine fellow firefighters. Andy took a job in southwest Georgia and is on indefinite leave. Scott will be leaving us at the end of June to the next step in his career. And Brian is off to the west to fight forest fires for the summer. We wish them all the best and grateful thanks for everything they've done for us.
And so that brings us to volunteers. We urgently need more firefighters, but there are plenty of jobs outside of that to do as well. You don't have to live in Wolfskin - Brian and Andy are/were Athens-Clarke County residents. You don't have to have previous training in firefighting - all of us started out as folks who didn't know anything about that and just wanted to learn and help the community.
Or maybe you've had a connection with or done firefighting in the past and want to take it up again on a more relaxed basis.
Whatever the case, think about it. Don't dismiss the possiblity because you think everything is under control and we have all we need. We don't. We need you, and welcome all of good will. Take a look through this website - there are well over a hundred posts here and I think you'll agree that we're an enthusiastic, relaxed, and committed group.
Finally, tell others you know, who you think may be interested but might not read our website. And let us know you did - that in itself is a volunteer effort that shouldn't go unthanked!
You can contact our Fire Chief, Ed Frey, or myself, at any of the phone numbers or email addresses located in spots all over this page. Or you can just drop by on any Thursday evening. That's when we're at 854 Wolfskin Road, working on the trucks, practicing a variety of skills, and generally having a good time.
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