Dale Perry is the Training Officer at the Gainesville Fire Department. He came to the Wolfskin VFD business meeting on Nov. 3 to help us on the way to an ISO Class 8 rating. Dale was formerly an attorney in Danielsville, Chief of the Danielsville VFD, and President of the Madison County FF Association. I used to think he was joking when he said he might just chuck the life of an attorney and become a firefighter. He did just that, without regrets. He also inspired me about 18 years ago to set a goal for Wolfskin of reaching Class 8.
People in Madison County figured out that they would save more money on insurance premiums than it would cost them to fund the many volunteer fire departments to get each of them to Class 8. Plus, they would get better fire protection. Isn’t that the point? Seems like a no brainer. But there were political and technical challenges. It took them about 4 years of sustained action to get the reluctant support of their Board of Commissioners. And then they had to do it without hydrants.
Dale explained how the 3 major components of firefighting were rated on a point scale by the ISO: communication, engine companies (including firefighters), and water. His stressed using money to improve those items that would have the highest impact on our score. Calculate the cost/benefit, the dollars per point, of all possible upgrades and choose those that have the lowest cost for the highest return. Dale told us "Get the most bang for your buck!" Getting lots of fancy and costly stuff may do you little except irritate your donors.
Dry hydrants are the most essential, and least expensive, requirement for Class 8!Dale wants to see us make Class 8. “There will be people who say you can’t do it without hydrants,” he said. “You CAN. But you’ll never get there unless you set the goal.”
So here we are! The long-term help from Oconee County (loan of the Lime-Green Pumper and small equipment), Clarke County (more small equipment), and the Wolfskin Community have made it possible to train and retain our volunteers, and get the FEMA Grants.
- Phyllis
We will be Class 8 within 3 years. The date will be Thanksgiving 2008. Mark your computers now for a Thanksgiving dinner that can't be beat!
- Glenn