New Maps of the Wolfskin VFD District

Any homeowner in the county can be assured that at least three departments will together be immediately paged for a structure fire. Our ongoing analysis will hopefully improve that response for some and lower insurance rates for others.
We wanted to know how the County defines the Wolfskin's primary district. For structure fires, the County automatically pages three departments; the primary department and two neighboring departments, so we wanted to know in which neighboring areas the County pages Wolfskin as one of those two automatic aid departments. This was thought to be known, in at least general terms, but conversations between Fire Chiefs suggested we had some of the details wrong.
The County's 1997 E-911 maps and current E-911 Dispatch by Address records has this information, and the modifed E-911 map here is one way to present it. Click here for a 0.8 Mb pdf of the entire area with higher resolution. Eventually, we will change to composites of The Oglethorpe County Tax Accessor Parcel maps on which to put this and other information we would like to know before arrival at an incident.
There are only a few surprises in the primary district. Lois Lane is not in their dispath lists (though we show it here). Dogwood Trail is in our primary district but Wolfskin Road between Faust Farm Road and HY 78 is in Crawford's primary district. No part of HY 78 is in our district. Most of it is assigned to Crawford.
Our automatic aid assignments are not always so logical. If possible, they are based on how fast particular departments can get to a particular address in another department's primary district. Although it appears that we should easily get to Bear Mill Road and lower Farm Faust Road, each are unimproved dirt and each requires fording (no bridges) of Barrow Creek. In practice we would have to take the trucks through Crawford. We would also have to go through Crawford to get the Tanker or Pumper to Lower Wirebridge Road in Maxey's primary district. You can also see some strange islands in our secondary converage. We can now get the Fire Chiefs to review their assignments and perhaps arrival times of secondary departments might improve if some reassignments were made.
It is difficult to show both primary and secondary coverage on one map, so our secondaries are not shown here. Crawford VFD is one of the two secondaries for all of Wolfskin. Arnoldsville VFD is the second one in the north and Maxey's is the second one in the south.
And now fundraising letters from Wolfskin VFD will clearly identify the three departments that protect the recipient.
On a related subject, the maps show the limits of the Georgia Militia District 227 (GMD 227 in red) which was one of thirteen established in Oglethorpe County. It only aquired the permanent name of Wolfskin long after the others. The origins of that name may be the subject of another post. Here, however, it is obvious that there is only a limited correspondence between the Wolfskin GM District and the Wolfskin VFD District. The other GMD in the county have met a similar fate. Although still used as political districts, they only roughly predict the limits of the Fire Districts in the area that may share the same name.