Thanks to David, Glenn, Wayne for response. Tanker driver: Wayne
Original dispatch was to Arnoldsville FD around midnight Thursday morning for a structure fire at Meyer Farm Road (just this side of Hargrove Lake Road, 10-15 miles from Wolfskin FD). Devils Pond FD and Beaverdam FD were also called, then Crawford FD and Winterville FD. Sounds like around 7 pumpers and tankers involved, as well as EMS and LE. The road was very well blocked.
The WFD tanker was dispatched at 0021, I was enroute by 0029 with Glenn on way to lock up and follow. I believe I arrived at 0045, David already there. We provided a tank of water (2500 gal) nursing to DPFD tanker.
Structure, a residence, had been reported as fully involved shortly after we were called. There may have been a smoke inhalation injury but otherwise no one was hurt. Refilled the trusty tanker and were back at station at 0253.
Beaverdam's Ray did a fantastic job as IC this morning, convening a short meeting of firefighters toward the end to tell us what would happen now, and moving up and down the row of engines keeping us all informed. Bill Moody was sharp as a tack, relaying to Central that we had arrived, and also when we had been released. Oglethorpe Central dispatcher also did a great job, including thanking folks as they arrived back at station.
I was unsuccessful in reaching anyone by phone, but since it was out of district, only tanker water was needed, and so many FDs were present, I figured it would be mostly just standing around for a couple of hours after getting things going. Which it was. Otherwise I would have been more persistent.
Note: our county roads are quiet and nice to travel on between midnight and 4AM.