Wolfskin Development Plan
Request for suggestions:
On the right sidebar, there's an entry under WFD Plan, which is a word doc that you can download to view. This is Bill's most recent (Sep 1, 2009) reworking of the WFD Development Plan we've been working on since January. Please do look at it and make comments or suggestions.
(Or you can click here.)
This is a plan by function, rather than by date. At some point we'll probably have an alternative document in the form of a 1-3-5 year plan that is consistent with the current one. What we found was that for our specific needs it was better to first carve out our various functions along with officers in charge. Too many functions were ongoing, and didn't really fit a 1-3-5 year plan (recruitment, for instance, or fundraising). There was a sense that a 1-3-5 year plan should be more visionary, addressing special projects, rather than messing with day to day ongoing operation.
So it's a start. With that context, we'll update as we get suggestions and incorporate them. Suggestions can emailed or added in the form of comments to this post.
Thanks to Ed, Lisa, Phyllis, Wayne, and to Bill who heads the committee. Actually there were several times when just about everyone sat in to offer suggestions, so let's thank everyone.