Red Letter Dates in History
Shall we look in the Book, hmmm?

Glenn unearthed three volumes of old Wolfskin Fire Department minutes. I shook out the mouse coprolites and selected a few entries.
From the Oct 1978 meeting discussing the formation of WVFD. Note the last paragraph. The more things change, the more they stay the same! Do you know, they used to call themselves Wolfskinners.

Here are some nice tidbits from Nov 29 1982. The first truck? The very file cabinet from which Glenn recovered these records, "kept in a safe place" all these years! And we still have that desk, too, though it's lost one drawer sometime in the last 27 years. No telling what was in it.
Early safety issues; and oh that barbecue shelter. We finally filled it in two years ago.

O tempora, o mores!

An early attempt at inventory, June 4 1992. And look who makes their first appearance! I believe we had just completed our training so we'd been around for six months already.

Astute observers will notice the doubly crossed out name.