The Month of February
As noted below our big fire call was the structure fire Feb 7 in southwest Wolfskin District. For some of us this was the largest conflagration we've experienced.
But as also noted there was a vehicle fire earlier that week, and the notable thing was that it netted us a new enthusiastic beginning firefighter, who along with Scott, will have attended all the meetings this month and will both be taking FC Mike's intensive Mod 1 Course (see header at top of page) in March and April.
There was, in addition, a wildland fire technically in Athens-Clarke County at the edge of western Wolfskin on Sunday, Feb 18, I believe it was. It was a relatively small fire, about an acre in size, but Athens-Clarke County did request support from Wolfskin VFD and FC Mike was on the road with our old white knocker and at the scene within 15 minutes. He was joined by at least six or seven others of us within a few minutes more, and followed the directions of the ACC Incident Commander. A very good performance that was rewarded by the thanks and praises of the professional firefighters of Athens-Clarke County.
I believe that counts three fires we responded to in February, correct me if I'm wrong. Good job, everyone.
Can't forget to mention the Oglethorpe County Firefighters Association meeting on Tuesday Feb 20, in which Mike and the Unknown Firefighter were recognized as Rookies of the year, and Frankie was very appropriately awarded our highest recognition - Firefighter of the Year, from Wolfskin. Our Frankie is the guy who keeps the trucks and firestation apparatus working, and we could not do without him.
The fete of the evening was, of course, Our Phyllis. Fire Chief for longer than some of our firefighter babes can remember, we had the opportunity to snag her for special recognition after twenty plus years of running things from the early years, ca 80s, until last year when she asked that we lift the burden. From the dark ages, the mid 90s until four years ago, she and WingateD and JimK kept things going by themselves. And then about four years ago Phyllis got us all back together again. What would Wolfskin Community have done without Phyllis? There are fewer people than there should be who know the difference she's made.
There's no single crowning glory for Phyllis, but there is this, which would mark a pinnacle for anyone. Let me emphasize this, if I may. If you didn't catch the arrival of the Watermaster Supertanker, and if you didn't catch what I think are some really ecstatic photos of Phyllis, then GO HERE NOW!. It was a big day for all of us, and really did sort of mark a rite of passage.
Congratulations to Phyllis, Mike, The Unknown Firefighter, and Frankie especially, and as soon as Phyllis gets me photos I'll post them (but not of TUF, of course).
The training sessions during the month of February really deserve a post of their own, and perhaps I will shortly. Mike and Ed have put together some amazing sessions this month. We're now doing three Thursdays a month of training, and nine or ten firefighters are showing up for each session.
Third Thursday was the hose maze, crawling around in the dark with BA finding your way out of the building without vision and only by following the hose. I'm pleased to report that the Unknown Firefighter and I made it out in 7 minutes, a 4 minute lead over our nearest contenders. Combine that with training on drafting from the portable drop tank (holds 2000 gallons) as well as nursing from the watermaster tanker, and it was a big evening.
Fourth Thursday was ladders. Simple, you say, but you'd be wrong. There's a choreography here that has to be seen to be believed. Deploying the ladder, getting it to the site, and raising it are all done with a flair that the Unknown Firefighter described as written up by caffeine-maddened bureaucrats with a control problem. Anyway, we scurried up 15 feet of extension ladder to the top of a gasoline drum out back, and then sprayed water from the top of a roof ladder set atop the famous WVFD barbecue pit building out back.
And that was the month of February. Who knows what March will hold in store for us, but the tentative schedule is at the top of the page.